We can be reached by calling (804) 712-1154 info@tcaeop.org

Dr. Bridget Wilson, presenter TCAEOP In-Service Workshop

The Tri-City Association of Educational Office Professionals sponsored an In-Service Workshop entitled, “Team Building” presented by Dr. Bridget Wilson, Associate Director, Student Health Center, Virginia State University on Saturday, March 25, 2017 at Virginia State University from 9:15-11:00 A.M. Dr. Wilson gave an excellent presentation, the content of which participants will be able to take back to use at their jobs and in all walks of life. She had participants to repeat, “I am great but today I am going to learn how to be greater.” She gave sixteen points to work and live by and to name a few, how to be a team player, reliability, how to communicate constructively, and being a good listener, etc. All participants received a Certificate of Training.

We also participated in the Annual Harvest Festival at Pathways, an event that provides a holiday meal to community members. It was held on November 16th.

Four of the participants: Audrey Jones, TCAEOP Recording Secretary, Tracy Downey, new member, Emilie Morring and Jacqueline Eldridge, Coordinator of the Workshop.