We can be reached by calling (804) 712-1154 info@tcaeop.org


Scholarship Winners: Mr. Donovan Nathan Hines, Scholarship Chair Mrs. Cassandra Reese and Miss N’Kayla Ameka Brown

Petersburg – The Tri-City Association of Educational Office Professionals (TCAEOP) held their 50th Anniversary Bosses’ Night Celebration at 6:00 p.m. at the Tabernacle Baptist Church’s Community Life Center on Thursday, May 25, 2017.  The theme for the evening was “Celebrating 50 Years of Professionalism, on the Job, In the Community, and Throughout the States.”  Bosses’ Night is an annual event where educational office professionals honor their supervisors for their support of the Association, and to express grateful appreciation for the professional, unselfish and dedicated service they provide in the workplace.  There was a Souvenir Booklet to highlight the 50th Anniversary.  It contained congratulatory ads and pictures from past Bosses Night Celebrations.

Office Professional of the Year Ms. Romaine Pickett and Awards Co-Chair, Ms. Bonnie Gholson.

Greetings were extended by Dr. Makola M. Abdullah, President, Virginia State University, Dr. Marcus J. Newsome, Superintendent, Petersburg Public Schools, and Mr. Nelson Jefferson, President TCAEOP and Circulation Assistant at the Johnston Memorial Library at Virginia State University.    Dr.  Jewel Bronaugh, Executive Director, Center for Agricultural Research Engagements, Virginia State University, extended the welcome.

The Tri-City AEOP awards two scholarships each year to deserving high school and/or college students.  This year’s recipients were Miss N’Kayla Ameka Brown, a graduate of Petersburg High School and Mr. Donovan Nathan Hines. a graduate of Thomas Dale High School.  Both students received a $500.00 scholarship to help them with their college expenses.  Miss Brown plans to attend Old Dominion University and major in Accounting and Mr. Hines plans to attend John Tyler Community College and major in Sports Marketing.

Educational Administrator of the Year, Dr. Wondi Mersie, Associate Dean/Director of Research at VSU and Ms. Joyce Scott, Awards, Co-Chair

To climax the evening, the 2017 Educational Administrator of the Year Award was presented to Dr. Wondi Mersie, Associate Dean/Director of Research at Virginia State University.  Also presented was the 2017 Educational Office Professional of the Year Award which was presented to Ms. Romaine Pickett, a retiree who has given many years of leadership and dedicated service to TCAEOP.  She continues to attend local meetings, serves on committees, and is a role model for many of the younger members.

Entertainment for the evening was provided by the vocal group, “Trojans United in Praise.”